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I'm Julie - a worshiper of God, an avid reader, an artist, a lover of scarves, trees, water, and one who is becoming surprisingly passionate about nutrition and health.

The purpose of this website is to provide a space where I can share and make sense of this new work of separation God is doing in me.  There is no greater feeling than when you are finally walking into the complete will of God for your life.  

My blog will be a mix of the following: 

  • First it will be about my journey of "becoming less".  This means reducing my dependence and reliance on self and others while increasing my faith and trust in God.  

  • I will be adding word studies where I will be sharing the insights God has shown me through my time of bible reading and prayer as well as highlighting God's promises.  It is said there are over 5,000 promises written in the Bible, most being conditional.  There are a number of 'God's Promises' books out there, but what they fail to lay out are the conditions that God places on those promises.  God is benevolent and desires to bless us, but there are certain expectations that he has, there are actions he requires us to take in order to truly obtain those promises.  So let's look into what scripture tells us we must do in order to obtain those promises.

  • Then there will be occassional posts discussing general thoughts, topics, and book reviews.

The World Missions page will include information on various countries and the work of God that is occurring there.  I will be adding needs to pray for as well as testimonies of God's miracles, signs, and wonders.  For those who God has been impressing upon to get involved or give of their finances I will be adding some ministries that I have personally given to myself.

The Resources page will include links to various bible study resources that I typically use. 

Thank you for stopping by and my hope is that you will get as much encouragement from this site as I will from spending this time with the Lord.  Please feel free to leave comments about how God is impacting and directing your life!  I learn best by interacting with others and together we can gain a deeper understanding of God and what he is trying to do in this hour.  You can leave comments under any pertinent blog posts or send me an email. :)

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